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Britney Spears "Hold It Against Me" Out This Week


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Added on Jan 22, 2011

Length: 01:43 | Comments: 0

http://Facebook.com/ClevverTV - Become a Fan! http://Twitter.com/ClevverTV - Follow Us! WE are just days away from the release of Britney Spears' next single -- ClevverTV has the full story on the release next. You're back at ClevverTV. What's up guys, I'm Joslyn Davis at our studio in Hollywood with 411 on Miss Britney Spears return to the music world. She is set to drop a still-unnamed new album in March of this year, and now we're getting word that the releases first single will hit airwaves on Tuesday, January 11th officially. This comes after tons of speculation and even some minor demo leaks of the track. B finally hit up twitter to fill in her anxious fans, tweeting: "Heard an early demo of new single leaked. If you think that's good, wait til you hear the real one Tuesday." Brit's been busy working with producer Dr. Luke on this song, and he furthered the twitterfest, stating: "That version of Hold It Against Me is really old...it [doesn't] sound like that anymore...it's way better." To help tide her fans over until Tuesday, Britney posted the artwork for "Hold It Against Me," which shows off her beautiful face, a bit hidden by her blonde locks and hands. According to MTV, Ryan Seacrest and Perez Hilton think this song is bound to be a hit, and we here at ClevverTV definitely agree, but what do you guys think? Let us know right here. And for updates on new Britney Spears music and more, keep it here at ClevverTV by following us on twitter -- that's @ClevverTV. I'm Joslyn Davis, see you next time!

Channels: News  

Tags: Britney  Spears  dr  Luke  hold  it  against  me  Music  News 


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