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Lil' Kim feat. Lil Cease - Crush On You (1997)


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Added on Jan 20, 2011

Length: 03:33 | Comments: 0

"Crush on You" is a single by Lil' Kim from her debut album and features fellow Junior M.A.F.I.A. members Lil' Cease & The Notorious B.I.G.. It landed at number twenty-three in the UK Singles Chart and number sixteen on the Billboard Hot 100. The original album version had Lil' Cease rapping alone, while the single version featured him with Lil' Kim. Aaliyah and Sheek Louch of The LOX are featured in the music video. The song contains a sample of Jeff Lorber Fusion's "Rain Dance" from their 1979 album Water Signs.

Channels: Music  

Tags: Lil  Kim  Cease  Crush  On  You  rap  music  video 


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