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Wolves - 1988


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Added on Aug 14, 2010

Length: 05:41 | Comments: 0

Please don't give me uneducated shit about wolves killing and eating: you can't train a wolf to do that---in other words, it's /natural/ and it's a part of them. Stop crying to your stuffie and get over it. Not everything's peaches and cream. Wolves are peaches and blood. That's just the truth, and I'm not going to dilly-dally with a lie. Another tribute to the awesome power of the wolf, a symbol of North, Earth, and the Hunt. Stop the hunting and the hate, and embrace all aspects of them with perfection. Footage (c) to: Discovery Education Honors: #51 - Top Rated (Today) - Pets & Animals Edit: Audio Swap because Nightwish claimed the video. New music is 1988 by Mount Cyanide. I like it better. So there, Nightwish! XP EDIT (3-4-10) I would strongly recommend you read the most recent National Geographic article about wolves. Wolves are doing very well, considering their history with settlers in the United States, and ranchers are conceding that there are better ways to keep them off their property, as the majority of America is starting to abstain from the beef of ranches that support wolf-hunting. Yay, success!

Channels: Pets & Animals  

Tags: Animals  For  the  Wolves  Last  of  Wilds  Nightwish  Save  1988  Mount  Cyanide 


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