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Wolves - Tribute Voice Aspiration


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Added on Aug 14, 2010

Length: 10:26 | Comments: 0

Humans have doomed the wolf not for what it is, but for what humans deliberately and mistakenly perceive it to be -- the mythological epitome of a savage, ruthless killer -- which is, in reality, no more than the reflected image of humans. Quality + Stereo: www.youtube.com Tribute --------------- Part 1: The Mysterious Wolf "As wolves, we are often force to remain elusive." Part 2: Loyal Wolf Family "Above all, we have utmost love for each other." Part 3: Wolves Vocalising "We do not howl at the moon, like many humans think, we howl to communicate." Voice --------------- Part 4: Killed Fanatically "Please, stop this hurt." Part 5: Voice of a Wolf "Please try to understand us." Aspiration --------------- Part 6: Give Wolves A Chance "Let's all hope that we wolves will have a much brighter future." Interesting facts: 1) Rendering the 3D video-word "Wolf" alone took about 2 hours. 2) A total of 14 individual running videos formed the word "Wolf". 3) Original video is 11:33 in length and had to be cut short. Honors (24 August 2008) #34 - Most Discussed (Today) - Pets & Animals #13 - Top Favorites (Today) - Pets & Animals #25 - Top Rated (Today) - Pets & Animals Honors (30 August 2008) #79 - Most Discussed (This Week) - Pets & Animals #29 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Pets & Animals #51 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals Honors (23 September 2008) #84 - Top Favorited (This Month) - Pets & Animals - Global

Channels: Pets & Animals  

Tags: Animals  Wolf  Wolves  Canine  Canis  Lupus  Wildlife  Wild  Forest  Nature 


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