Added on Aug 14, 2010
Length: 02:46 | Comments: 0
[this time] is our youth. This song I swear, it gets to me. I just want to cry and smile every time I hear it. This band is... a newly discovered love of mine. And this song is... probably my favourite song in the whole world. (ok ok so im thinking this is going to be a long description... I guess my break is over! -or your break rather-) ok this is LONG... you prepared? You know, Youtube is more like a record of my life. I guess I could even call it a Vlog if I wanted to label it. I just feel like this is more like my story being recorded, even if its not much of a story... yet (: I feel like with YouTube, I am able to pause, rewind, and replay my life. Not necessarily living in the past, but remembering every little moment I may have taken for granted otherwise. I realize also, that I am able now to appreciate even the smallest things, I don't give all the credit to YouTube (that'd be weird to have a possible life-changing experience on/from youtube.... I'm still sane after-all) but more from videos and really being able to see into my horses' emotions more deeply and over-all, notice more. I think that when I'm filming, it's not like I'm trying to 'create' or make something looks like a bond, or 'using' youtube to display the affection I show to my horse.... this is U S. Plain and simple. None of this is fake, a lot of you may think; "Oh ok she probably just got that clip because she had a cookie in her hand and is trying to make it look good for a video" yeah, no. Not ...
Channels: Pets & Animals
Tags: Animals horse pony magic indy equestrian ilovemagichorse