Added on Aug 14, 2010
Length: 04:10 | Comments: 0
Hi This summer I got 3 baby ducks and raised them for 3 months. They were so cute at first and they grew so fast. I had a lot of fun playing with them and they were good all the time. Uncle Joe was so nice to help me and he took them to his farm this Fall where they could be with other farm animals. And do not worry they will not be duck soup or Roast duck! They are all girls and Uncle Joe will breed them with his other ducks. Happy ending =). If you are thinking of doing this it is a big job and you have to clean and feed daily. But this experince and memory will last a lifetime. Annie=) Annie, You also need to make sure you have Duck Song, Ducks As Pets, I Have A Dream, Annie Pattison
Channels: Pets & Animals
Tags: Music Ducks As Pets Have Dream Annie Pattison YTV The Next Star Top 16 Season one two three six ytvs Karaoke Kstar Jr Junior live amazing talented kids Peoples Grammy 2010