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Covert Affairs - Can You Save Me Full Theme by POWER


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Added on Jan 14, 2011

Length: 03:19 | Comments: 0

[01/11/11] Happy New Year! Sorry it took me so long to update the band name in the title! Apple Trees & Tangerines = POWER www.POWERofficial.com = Official website! [8/30/10 UPDATE] I've removed the mediafire link because the song is now on iTunes! Go buy it and support the artist. [7/31/10 UPDATE] ATAT released an official mp3 on their Myspace page, which I've linked below. Thank you, guys! (I hope it wasn't this video that made them do that.. lol I wanted to buy the song! I really did look!) ================ "Covert Affairs" is a new original series on USA network, Tuesdays at 10/9 CST. The story follows Annie Walker, a greenhorn CIA agent that is suddenly thrusted into the field among her superiors and other experienced agents. It's a charming series thus far as you watch her react to the aged personalities of her peers with a fresh slate of her own. The theme song, "Can You Save Me?" by Apple Trees & Tangerines, is not yet available on iTunes, but I ripped this from their MySpace page. Sorry for the low quality. Buy the song when you can! www.myspace.com

Channels: Music  

Tags: Music  can  you  save  me  covert  affairs  full  theme  apple  trees  and  tangerines  opening  POWER 


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