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Basshunter Now Youre Gone


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Added on Jan 14, 2011

Length: 03:3 | Comments: 0

Buy Basshunter's new single 'Saturday' from iTunes: http://bit.ly/BuySaturday BUY DANCE NATION LIVE 2010 TICKETS HERE: http://www.livenation.co.uk/dancenation Buy Bass Generation from iTunes here: http://tinyurl.com/itunesbassgeneration Or from HMV here: http://tinyurl.com/bassgenerationhmv Want to know what happened next? Check out "3 Weeks Later..." and "Last Night..." coming soon "All I Ever Wanted!!".. Official MySpace site: http://www.myspace.com/basshunterdance One of the biggest internet success stories - ever! Basshunter is a Swedish bedroom DJ/producer, a cyber geek who wrote a song about an experience with meeting a girl on the internet. The girl was called Anna, and the song 'Boten Ana'. Basshunter sent it to his friends on the web, who forwarded to their friends, and so on until it ended up in the hands of a local radio DJ who played it out on air. After its first airing the station was inundated with phone calls to play it again and they added it to their playlist. The track then went crazy, the whole of Sweden got caught up in the story about his love for a girl on the internet, and when it was released in Scandinavia it became the fastest selling debut single since Abba, and Basshunter their biggest selling debut artist ever! Through word of mouse, the track spread and it became number 1 in Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg - the first ever Swedish language hit in these countries. Germany were next, the song went top 10, something only Cascada & Eric Prydz have managed from the dance world, the track then hung about in the top end of the charts for 6 months.. ..Fast-forward to the summer of 2007 and an English vocal version 'Now you're Gone' has become the most requested record in summer holiday resorts around Europe, due to it being the lead track on a mix cd by DJ Alex. As people return from their holiday's in Magaluff and surrounding islands desperate to get their hands on a copy it's clear that the Basshunter phenomenon is about to hit the UK!

Channels: Music  

Tags: Music  Basshunter  Now  Youre  Gone  All  Ever  Wanted  Boten  Anna  Electronic  Hard2beat  Records  DJ  Alex  remix  bassheads  music 


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