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We Beat Miley 1 Female On YouTube Music Video


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Added on Jan 14, 2011

Length: 02:46 | Comments: 0

WE DID IT!! WE BEAT MILEY! This song is now available on itunes! Check out my parody album here: bit.ly www.vprincess.com Thanks to YOU, my viewers I am the #1 most subscribed female of all time! Please help me in this revolution, by sharing this video and encouraging people to subscribe to my channel. Still love you Miley, but girl- it's ON! :-) Let's show the world that for once, the little guy stands a chance against the big wigs. Plus it's all in good fun! --- Featuring some of my wonderful viewers. I received over 2000 submissions for the video! Unfortunately, I could only fit in 350. Thank you all so much for your amazing support! Generic Miley music composed and performed by: Steve Goldstein of www.youtube.com Vocals written by me, sung and edited by me: www.vprincess.com --- My concept behind this video was like a pep rally. Where everyone teams together with a positive energy to achieve something together. --- Lyrics You dont understand What it takes to make my vids Make no mistake Miley, I like you but Its time for you to step aside I'Il tell you why So listen to me now In real life you are such a super star But here on YouTube You can only go so far I just beat Demi and Selena so Better pack your bags if you catch my flow Everybody join the Team VP Campaign Tell all your friends to subscribe here And join the train. Together we can beat Miley And show the world That the number one female spot Can be a normal girl --- Also check out my 7 Things Spoof. Based on ...

Channels: Music  

Tags: Entertainment  mileycyrus  miley  cyrus  things  hate  about  you  see  again  billy  ray  mandy  show  mileymandy  hannah  montana  breakout  most  subscribed  female  youtube  disney  stars  destiny  hope  celebrities  mileycyrus.com  racist  photos  ethnicity  music  video  demi  lovat 


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