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Star Wars Kid


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Added on Dec 25, 2010

Length: 01:48 | Comments: 0

I've been quoted in the following link: http://www.motherboard.tv/2010/6/1/after-lawsuits-and-therapy-star-wars-kid-is-back i am not the star wars kid and i didn't get sued. i would take this video off youtube but its one of the top viral videos of all time. that would be like destroying a piece of art and there is still a lot of other versions and copies of this exact video. so all cannot be taken off the internet, anything put on here stays forever. people wondering where i got the video and why it is posted- i got it off some site i don't know which one and wanted it embedded on my myspace because at the time i thought it was funny. that happened to be when youtube was mostly unknown. i uploaded it and it was the first to go on this site so whenever someone types "star wars kid" my video will be the first one they will choose to watch. i don't think his life was ruined or he killed himself. these are what people always tell me but where is the proof? don't rely on wiki to get your answers. most people want to think the worst because that's a common initial reaction. i don't go on this account much but enjoy coming back to read all the mail people take the time to send me. as for offers on advertising sponsorship, i am still considering, i have a lot of loans to pay off

Channels: Funny  

Tags: Entertainment  star  wars  kid 


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