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Supernatural Comedy Trailer HD


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Added on Dec 25, 2010

Length: 02:15 | Comments: 0

►WINNER of the EPIC TRAILER CONTEST! i895.photobucket.com I'm so proud I can't tell you what it means to me that I've actually won the contest. I never expected that since the other entries where - literally - epic. Here's what the judges said: Your use of calligraphy on background music was SPOT on with theatrical trailers! We were amazed with how realistic it was to a real comical trailer you'd see on TV today. Adding those sound effects was also a great touch to show the fact that it was a comedy; plus, two out of the three judges have tried and disliked this show. And you've made them laugh at a show that wasn't their cup of tea. So bravo dear! You deserve this! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The comedy blockbuster of the year: SUPERNATURAL! Coming to your theatres in June! Story : Supernatural is a comedy about two brothers and a burger addicted fallen angel that try to hunt down evil. The only problem: they haven't got a single clue what's really going on! *laughs* One of the many reasons why I love this show so much is because of the comedy. I mean don't get me wrong I love the horror elements and the tragic and dramatic moments but I think what makes this show so entertaining is the funny elements (especially with my favourite Castiel...) :D I worked my socks off on this one because I tried to make it look as realistic and professional as possible. It's my entry for the 'epic trailer contest' - even though I'm not ...

Channels: Funny  

Tags: Entertainment  Supernatural  Trailer  Comedy  Blockbuster  Of  The  Year  Jensen  Ackles  Misha  Collins  Jared  Padalecki  Spoof  Dean  Sam  Winchester  Brothers  Castiel  Cas  Robert  Singer  Eric  Kripke 


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