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Its a Scorcher


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Added on Dec 25, 2010

Length: 04:24 | Comments: 0

It's hot, and this is a vlog. No guitars were harmed in the making of this video but one was harmed in the making of another video. The "Skateboarding" song is part of another video that will be coming out very soon. Thank you for reminding me about Street Music UK, I had forgotten I even had that, sometimes I get so many new ideas I forget about the old ones. Update: we are filming the music video for Superman Socks this Thursday, with KassemG, Dante, myself, and a special guest playing, "the douche" Thank you for all the incredibly funny suggestions for the Epic Rap Battles of History series. We have started writing the next 3. You are awesome, that dude who insulted you the other day is a moron. I often wonder how many people read this far down in the description, you can let me know and make others puzzled by writing a comment that says something funny about "monkeys" see you soon, -nice peter

Channels: Funny  

Tags: People  nicepeter  nice  peter  heatwave  hot  analysis  editing  vlog  environment  talking 


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