Added on Dec 25, 2010
Length: 00:15 | Comments: 0
BANNED IN USA mean dean realise that this clip is fake no one realy shoots themself .fake gun shaped bottle of aftershave .. dont try this at home. you might upset mean dean and he will dribble on ya . some people get upset when they dont see anyone get shot this is just a fun clip no need for any hate mail i just filmed it i had to block coments to many to mention i wanted to see how many peole would flock to a clip with an extrem title and ive had over 12 million wow you sick bastards hahaand it says banned so you all fail on the chart it said most of you were americans and indian glad i dont have any clips with this on it think of this clip as a hollywood movie without the budget or talent hahaha
Channels: Funny
Tags: People richmond days youtube BEST CLIP funny silly underworld melbourne underbelly under belly one ball bill guns explode shoot himself weapons fight cars fast crash bike defend sinyour livingston dean fread gary king queen band banned free mine yours ins