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Added on Dec 25, 2010

Length: 10:45 | Comments: 0

See below for footnotes.~~~ So here I go again, addressing the absurd claim that Nazi atrocities are inextricably linked to atheism. The script of this video is at www.nonstampcollector.com Several others are at nonstampcollector.com/main Maybe Hitler was indeed an atheist. I don't know. Who can? But given what he said on the subject throughout his whole life, I'd find that position pretty hard to defend. And what it had to do with his evil acts... well you get the idea of what I think of that argument. Astute viewers will notice that throughout the movie I don't blame Hitler's actions upon his being a Christian. Indeed -- was he a Christian?! Some may differ with me on this, but I say No, he wasn't. Not in any practical sense of the label. Saying his evil actions are linked to his status as a Christian either way would be as stupid as saying that they are linked to his moustache, or his atheism. Indeed -- that's the point. Atheist or theist, Christian or Hindu, Catholic or Lutheran: none of it matters. HE WAS A NAZI: ISN'T THAT ENOUGH? He was a frigging NAZI, with incredible political power that he'd achieved through shrewd statecraft over many years. Obviously THAT is the lethal combination. Not his moustache, not his vegetarianism, not his atheism/religion. As close as I could come to linking religion with his actions was actually a portion of the script that didn't make it to the final cut, in which a description of totalitarianism is read out, the contestants are ...

Channels: Funny  

Tags: Nonprofit  Hitler  nazi  atheism  atheist 


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