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Added on Dec 2, 2010

Length: 03:13 | Comments: 0

Download Hack Tools -- http://fileml.com/1G5SN STEPS =========== # Enter DragonLand # Open Charles. # In DragonLand, fight a boss that you can win 100%. Try bosses that are your current level or lower. You will need to win them in a single fight. # After winning the fight, look in Charles for the line ""http://dragonlandonline.com" # Expand the line dragonlandonline.com - Expand api/ # You should see a lot of "restserver.php?........" # We must now find the correct line. Select the last few lines of restserver.php..., # Click Response tab. You got this cheat from # Click on Text tab and find a line that ends with "addExp":XXXX} (XXXX is any digits). # Once you have found this line, just right click this restserver.php.... and select Repeat Advanced. # Iterations: 10000 Concurrency 10. # Now just click OK in the game. # Fight the same boss again. You have to win the boss again. # Do NOT click 'OK' when you won the fight. # Repeat step 4-11 again. # Now, just let the iterations complete their runs. # Reload the game... If charles gave you any problem during the loading, just close it like what I did in my video. You should see your new level now... It's kinda difficult to explain in words, Hack Software Needed == http://fileml.com/1G5SN

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Games  dragonland  dragon  land  cheats  cheat  hack  hacks  free  download  coins  exp  level  money  gifts  facebook  che 


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