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Pixars Up Soundtrack - Main Theme Piano Cover SHEET MUSIC DOWNLOAD


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Added on Dec 2, 2010

Length: 03:8 | Comments: 0

100,000 views! 1/17/10. 200,000 views! 4/09/10. (Over 30,000 downloads for sheet music! Thank you all!) The most accurate piano transcription of the movie on the internet: http://www.mediafire.com/?hzwtgdjmmjz 1. Click on "Click here to start download" 2. Open, or save the file. Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcG0dJ_WKeo Disney Pixar's Up, I believe, was one of the greatest, most emotional film Pixar has made. The piano part touched me, so I wanted to learn how to play the main theme. And after hours of listening and converting it into sheet music, its finally done. And I want to share it with all. The music on my piano were the transcribed sheets. -Married Life -Stuff We Did -The Ellie Badge And, a little more to add, this version accurately depicts the scene of Carl and Ellie's life. The slow section occurs when (if you haven't seen the movie. I suggest you don't look at what I'm about to say.) his wife finds out that she couldn't bear kids. The last section takes place where Russel receives the "Ellie Badge" and also merges to the very, final ending phrase of the movie, until the credits start. It was at that point where I said to myself, I'm gonna make sheet music for this movie. haha A question people ask me, "Why does the second measure of the main part of the song a 'C' instead of an 'E'?" I noticed most demonstrations show this, they're not entirely wrong. However, I tried to make an extremely precise transcription of the music in the movie, and I spent a while listening to it many times. The arrangement is almost exact, and I know for a fact that it was an 'E'. © Disney/Pixar Composer: Michael Giacchino Just say thanks. :)

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Music  Disney  Pixar  Pixars  Up  movie  Jorvic  Ramos  piano  sheet  music  main  theme  ellie  badge  stuff  we  did  married  life  soundtrack 


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