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SHINee - Lucifer Tutting Tutorial


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Added on Dec 2, 2010

Length: 04:16 | Comments: 0

here's the quick links I promised. 0:38 First Eight Count (Walk Through + Mirror) 1:26 First Eight Count (Super Slow + Mirror) 1:43 First Eight Count (Slow + Mirror) 1:55 First Eight Count (Mirror) 2:04 Second Eight Count (Walk Through + Mirror) 3:19 Second Eight Count (Super Slow + Mirror) 3:35 Second Eight Count (Slow + Mirror) 3:47 Second Eight Count (Mirror) 3:56 Full Tutting Section (Mirror) if you want to see my full tutorial, here's the first part. the second part's in the info as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjdHtJjwDBw for those of you who don't get the twirling part, make sure your right hand is behind your left, twirl the left first, then let the right follow. your left hand should end up on top. a lot of people have asked me to do a walk through of the entire dance like I did with the tutting. I can honestly say I've tried it out to see if I could explain it enough, but the counts are too complicated for me to explain correctly, so you'd be better off without it, I think. if you're still having trouble, what you could do is download the video using http://keep-tube.com/ and slow it down with whatever video editor comes with your computer. I'm really sorry, but I can't do a walk through for the whole dance. I didn't really get requests to do this, but I figured it would help, since people kept saying they couldn't get it, and/or only wanted to learn the tutting part ^^ hope you can hear me over my air conditioner. -_-I probably should have done the full section super slow, and slow, right? T_T I'm sorry, I'll make sure to do that next time~ I'm pretty sure I took suggestions into consideration and incorporated them into the tutorial, but I always welcome more :D for those of you who keep asking, I bought all of my Kpop posters off of eBay. you can also get them off of websites like YesAsia and DVDHeaven. as for my shirt, I bought it off of Se7en's official US website, but I'm positive the website's gone ): sorry!

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Music  shinee  Lucifer  Kpop  Dance  Tutting  Tutorial 


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