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Photoshop tutorial on using layers for effects


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Added on Oct 28, 2010

Length: 03:39 | Comments: 0

http://www.flashaces.com Tutorial on how to cut out an image in Photoshop and stack layers to create image effects. FAQ What version of Photoshop? CS Version 8 Where do I get photoshop? Adobe.com Who is the girl in the video? Actress Crystal Lo (Not a porn star, get a clue!) You should use the pen tool. Use whatever tool you want. I use the lasso tool. You sound like a serial killer. Yes, I am but I don't tell anyone about my extra curricular activities. You sound like George Clooney. TY Ladies I would not hire you. Your work sucks. Laughing all the way to the bank. This tutorial is for amateurs. No kidding Einstein. It is meant for beginners

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Film  adobe  photoshop  model  babe  hot  girl  graphic  design  tutorial  tutorials  graphics  image  effects  sexy  photo  photos  cs 


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