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Nintendo 3DS - First Hands On


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Added on Oct 26, 2010

Length: 02:39 | Comments: 0

www.wiinintendo.net The 3DS DOES NOT show up in "3D" on camera, you have to see it in person, please visit the URL above to get our written hands on. I got some hands-on with several Nintendo 3DS titles and demos. The basic tech demo shown after Nintendo's press conference was really cool, and it did a good job of showing the basic features of the new top screen and its 3D abilities. The best of the screenshots they showed was Zelda. After trying it on the show floor, I got my hands on ten more titles. Samurai Warriors was good. It did not go overboard with the 3D, but it felt natural. The controls were not the best, but it is only a demo. Kingdom Hearts was only a video, but it looked all right at best. Ridge Racer allowed me to actually race, which felt pretty good, but it played with my eyes a bit. I used the analog slider, which felt great. I was also able to briefly check out Resident Evil, Animal Crossing, Metal Gear Solid, Paper Mario, The Sims 3, and Kid Icarus demos. They all looked great, but because of time, I had to move on to other titles. I cannot wait to see the final products. The last demo I was able to try was an augmented reality shooter. It reminded me of System Flaw, as I was moving the 3DS around in real life to shoot spaceships with my face on them. While this was just a demo, it did prove that the 2 cameras on the front work great together to create a wonderful looking 3D environment, despite their 0.3 megpixels. Overall, the 3DS looked great, and ...

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