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Dramatic Look


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Added on Aug 11, 2010

Length: 00:5 | Comments: 0

i've made some merch for you to spend your hard earned dollars on... http://www.cafepress.com/sleepingplanet i'm wearing a prairie dog thong right now... ewwwww Original description: take a bit of footage from cuteoverload.com a bit of sound from a scary movie... I think i found the original source. I got it off cuteoverload, but this chap has it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhy0tIbGs_0&NR=1 it's from a Japanese show called Mini Moni Chiccha...It was a show about this Jpop subgroup of Morning Musume and they spent the entire time goofing off. I never expected this much success, This thing has gotten way out of control (in a good way), Thanks for all your comments!

Channels: Personal Videos  

Tags: Comedy  marmot  look  dramatic  dadadaaaaa  drama  prairie  dog 


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