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Want to Jump HIGHER Shot Science Vertical Jump Training Program part 1


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Added on Oct 23, 2010

Length: 17:7 | Comments: 0

Today's video is the PART 1 of our introduction to "Increasing your Vertical Jump!" Part 1 deals with "Mobility/Flexibility" and "Stability," which are VERY important and generally overlooked aspects of increasing your vertical. Part 2 will deal with building "Strength/Mind Muscle Relationship" and generating game-speed "Power" to launch you into the air! We'll be adding in TONS of new Vertical Increasing Exercises, so you can build your OWN JUMP PROGRAM! As with any conditioning program, you should consult your physician to make sure you're capable of performing these exercises safely. We take no responsibility for any injury that you may sustain in your personal training. We provide these training videos for you to use with YOUR discretion. Ask Chase any of your questions about Athletic Performance, Exercise, or Basketball and he will personally respond to as many as he can, both in the comments and in his Vlogs. If you have questions on how to improve your Speed, Quickness, Agility, Strength, and Vertical Leaping Ability, this is the place. Chase works with athletes of all levels (Children, Teens, College and Professionals) and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and is Certified by the American College of Sports Medicine. Make sure to follow ShotScience on Twitter and Facebook for SECRET Updates and Tips from the guys. Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com and don't forget to subscribe to ShotScience: www.youtube.com and www.youtube.com ...

Channels: Sports  

Tags: Sports  Increase  Vertical  Jump  Leap  Training  Program  Slam  How  to  Dunk  50  inch  Vert  Basketball  Conditioning  Volleyball  Track  Highjump  Shot  Science  Chase  Curtiss  Manual  Air  Alert  Tdub  Team  Flight  Brothers  tutorial  power  strength  hops  Kobe  Bryant  Lebron  James 


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