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Ask Alphacat 14 - Ask my Family Part 2


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Added on Oct 23, 2010

Length: 05:20 | Comments: 0

I'll be doing weekly vlogs every monday taking your questions and answering them! :) *Feel free to send video responses. If you liked the video, please SUBSCRIBE for more! (it's free!) :) www.youtube.com FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ): Q: Why the name Alphacat: A: Because I love lions. A lion is the alpha of all cats. And "cat" is a slang for "guy." Q: Favorite color A: Blue Q; Favorite Actor A: Will Smith/ Ryan Reynolds Q: What is your REAL job? A: Acting full time. I do not work a 9-5 Q: How tall are you? A: 6'2'' Q: What is your favorite sport? A: I don't follow sports Q: What ethnicity are you? A: Black Q: Xbox or Playstation: A: I have an Xbox- love both. Q: Xbox Gamertag A: ImanAlphacat. I cant recieve any more friend requests, but feel free to search me when I'm on. Q: Favorite game A: Call of Duty MW2 Q: Favorite MW2 weapon A: Scar-H, Perks: Scavenger & Stopping Power Q: When are you and Lisa getting married? A: The day everyone stops asking. (Besides I can't tell you if I haven't told her.) Q: Can you shout me out? A: Ask a good question and you'll kill 2 birds with one stone. Q: Which celebrity would you sleep with, this person or that person. A: Im in a relationship, I don't answer questions like that. Q: How would like to die...(this or that) A: I don't like to speak negative things into existence. Mailing Address: PO Box 4946 Thousand Oaks, California, 91359 My Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com My vlog ...

Channels: Sports  

Tags: People  ask  alphacat  part  family  aunts  uncles 


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