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shaolin power


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Added on Oct 23, 2010

Length: 01:11 | Comments: 0

Shaolin is an Art, it has nothing to do with sports or brawling, it is about balance, readiness and selfcontrol, it works wel for selfdefense and will inprove your health and fitness... The form is only one way of training and this is only one of the maney forms. We will never know if it is original but surely it is powerfull and fluent : try moving like this and you will notice it is hard to keep up with his pace and at the same time keep all details right ! just try it instead of sitting and lookin ;-) but before you try : warm up and get more flexible first ! succes ;-)g ONE MORE WORD ON FIGHTINGSPORTS : this thing is something created for people who like to see a kind of gladiators... the gladiators are foolish enough to step in the arena's for the sake of money or honour and some have even a Message to the world ! But most of them get hurt after a while (look at ALI). Shaolin on the other hand is a REAL MARTIAL ART : though it may seem to some that it has features in common with contemporary "Fight-Sports" this is an illusion ! Shaolin does not advocate any kind of violence but is a search for Balance, non-egotism, and non-violence ! So while they practice selfdefence techniques they strive not to use it ! Try to grasp that concept ! Then stop comparing the 2 : they are totally different in Purpose !

Channels: Sports  

Tags: Howto  shaolin  monk  taolu  form  jiao  hong  bo  chinese  kung  fu  gongfu  martial  arts  art  powerfull  kracht  force  temple  boxing  henan 


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