Added on Oct 23, 2010
Length: 00:30 | Comments: 0
BIG TIME'S AMAZING BASKETBALL SHOT!!! This shot is ranked #11 on the Best Damn Sports Show Period's Top 50 Random Acts of Awesome!! The dancing and goofy moves are for entertainment purposes, so for you haters and ignorant people who don't understand humor, go ahead and leave a wanna-be-YouTube-gangsta comment and prove to the world how unoriginal and untalented you are. Everyone else...enjoy the video! VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: All the trash talking I do on camera and in the comments is done strictly for entertainment purposes. Its all done in fun so please dont get uptight and call me a cocky a-hole or anything cuz its just a JOKE, so CHILL!!! Ben "Big Time" Brown As seen on ESPN, MTV, The Discovery Channel, SkyOne, The Today Show, Champion TV, the CW,, and The Best Damn Sports Show Period. This was filmed at Pepper Geddings Recreation Center in Myrtle Beach, SC, USA.
Channels: Sports
Tags: Sports basketball amazing shot trick shots insane crazy greatest NBA skills dunk big time lucky and1 sports Ben Brown myrtle beach