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how to snap like a diva


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Added on Oct 21, 2010

Length: 01:56 | Comments: 0

how to snap.... read the title... snap. THANKYOU TO JOLAR70 FOR INFO; This scene was from a documentary by Marlon Riggs called "Tongues Untied" (1989). Riggs was a poet, filmmaker, teacher, and activist and his film work was made at the height of the AIDS crisis in the US. It explored homosexuality, racism, and identity in the black community in that era. It was mostly serious but he obviously had a great sense of humor too. This clip is funny but "Tongues Untied" was also really groundbreaking in it's day. It's out on DVD. Riggs passed away in 1994.

Channels: Humor  

Tags: Entertainment  snap  bitch  hoe  learn  diva  giving  attitude  dont  go  there  snapping  gay  how  to  lesson  learning  teach  teaching 


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