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World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic Intro Trailer HD


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Added on Oct 20, 2010

Length: 02:42 | Comments: 0

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic Intro Trailer [HD] Developer: Blizzard Entertainment Release: 12/7/2010 Genre: MMO Platform: PC/Mac Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment Website: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/cataclysm/ In Cataclysm, players will witness the face of Azeroth being altered forever, as the corrupted Dragon Aspect Deathwing awakens from his subterranean slumber and erupts onto the surface, leaving ruin and destruction in his wake. As the Horde and Alliance race to the epicenter of the cataclysm, the kingdoms of Azeroth will witness seismic shifts in power, the kindling of a war of the elements, and the emergence of unlikely heroes who will rise up to protect their scarred and broken world from utter devastation. Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima http://twitter.com/machinima_com Inside Gaming http://twitter.com/insidegaming Machinima Respawn http://twitter.com/mcom_respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture http://twitter.com/machinima_etc FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinima FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarespawn FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimasports FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimatrailer TAGS: World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic Intro Trailer [HD] machinima videogame video game games pc steam mac activision blizzard expansion rpg mmo new gameplay blizzcon 2010 wow yt:quality=high

Channels: Arts & Animation   Trailers  

Tags: Shows  World  of  Warcraft  Cataclysm  Cinematic  Intro  Trailer  HD  machinima  videogame  video  game  games  pc  steam  mac  activision  blizzard  expansion  rpg  mmo  new  gameplay  blizzcon  2010  wow 


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