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Bad Weather Girl - Official Music Video


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Added on Sep 28, 2010

Length: 02:21 | Comments: 0

"You can hear your mind open up as the music plays taking you away to a land that exists in the each character, your character. Booka Michel has a talent and understanding of music playing on the human psyche. Go ahead and let your mind absorb the sounds of Booka and the Flaming Geckos trip abroad to Baghdad...Texas. For such a short disc you get quite a fulfilling ride. At times I find myself really listening closely to the album, and at others it fills in for some relaxing background music. That is an interesting point on how versatile the music is. Depending on your mood, the music can grab your attention or put you in a laid back mood. Every listen comes with a different flavor." - Kyle M. Palarino, FolkWax Magazine

Channels: Music  

Tags: Entertainment  film  music  video  soundtrack  score  Baghdad  Texas  rock  americana  roots  asleep  at  the  wheel  ray  benson  cindy  cashdollar 


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