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HOW TO CUT YOUR HAIR and get the perfect haircut


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Added on Sep 28, 2010

Length: 05:19 | Comments: 0

I bought my siccors at my local beauty supply store , just make sure to get ones that are made for hair cutting! *In the past it was very hard for me to grow out my hair as long as it is now. Because for some reason the hairdressers would always literally cut way too much off, it's almost like they don't know the difference between 1 inch and 7 inches. To them it's almost as if they mean the same. Which got me quite annoyed. I've been to countless hair salons in my life, I was never happy with any of the results. And they would never understand exactly the type of hair cut I WANT! And in the end I was left angry by the fact that I had to pay so much for results that were horrible and even a tip on top of that? Like come on??!!!.. So this is why , I was so determined to figure out a way how to cut my hair all on my own the exact way and style that I want. And now , I'm sharing this with all of you who are sick and tired of hairdressers always giving you a bad haircut. HOW I STRAIGHTEN MY HAIR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1okpRdegCY HOW I BLOW DRY MY HAIR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um1zIa-rfq4 Where do I get the best deals on beauty tools at? http://www.FlatIronExperts.com/?Click=2494 5% Off any purchase use code: ROSEBUD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Letters? Presents ? Post Cards? Anything you'd like! can be sent to my Fan / Business mailing address at : Rose Russo 5175 Yonge Street, Suite # 143 Toronto, On M2N5P5 CANADA You can also find me @ Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/R0SEBUD143 Twitter http://www.twitter.com/missroserusso Subscribe if you havn't, to be the first to know when my next video is coming out :) Love you! xoxox

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Howto  How  to  cut  your  hair  own  get  layers  emo  scene  haircut  rosebud143  rose  russo  straighten  sexy  straight  blow  dry  like  pro  perfect  curls 


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