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The Craft of War BLIND


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Added on Sep 28, 2010

Length: 07:46 | Comments: 0

Earlier this year I got pretty bored and decided to do something creative in my spare time. I've been wanting to do a fight scene for a while and decided to develop a story using World of Warcraft. Animation is what I do and I decided to use my skills in making something. This is only the second personal creative work I've ever posted so I'm a bit nervous about it. The first being an image I painted years ago which...um... we don't talk about. :) It's a bit nerve-wracking to post creative work for others to judge. I've thought about making this a series but I'm faced with an impending layoff so my future is unclear. If I get a positive reaction I'm sure I'll be working on something else in the future. ----------------- update December 29, 2008 First off I'd like to thank all of you for all of the compliments and even the criticisms. I set out to try and make something I think would be cool and hoped others would think so too. Although I can't possibly reply to all the emails and comments posted I do read it all,trying to anyway, hehe. I definitely appreciate the kind words. About the music, it wasn't something I choose at random but an element that I consider to be just as important as the models, lighting, animations,...etc. It was the driving force for the pace and the inspiration for the story. With the feedback I've gotten consider your voices heard and it'll be something I take into account in the future. I still think I made the right decision and it's not something ...

Channels: Video Blogs  

Tags: Film  wow  World  of  Warcraft  Blind  Percula  Namie  Amuro  rogue  blood  elf  machinima  Hide  and  Seek 


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