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Guitar Hero Smash Hits - Raining Blood 100 Expert FC


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Added on Sep 28, 2010

Length: 04:46 | Comments: 0

---READ MORE COOL--- Raining Blood by Slayer Terrible Score, Messed up the last activation. 100% Expert FC Guitar Hero Smash Hits All 1st Slayer FC's on Guitar Hero for jlc ncie We couldn't figure out the hyperspeed cheat, so I had to pull a Danny (LOL). Dude but on that low NO HYPERSPEED IS SO HARD. I don't know how people do it. HAY ALSO I'm going to brag because bragging is for the cool kids and say that this was 5th try omg. Danny will Fc sightread lololo This game is overall pretty good but cmon the PURPLE NOTES SUCK. TTFAF is hard as hell too maybe ill post a run of that who knows. Also you guys can ask what songs you'd like to see. I'll figure out what videos I can post later. OH ALSO PLAY WITH ME IS INSANE. yea thats about it also Elliott says: "expert+ on this song will bend you over with no lube" Elliott edited this, go check out his cool kid stuff: www.youtube.com -------------------------- Hey guys please follow my twitter, you can always see what I'm doing, or when I'm streaming: www.twitter.com Here is my stream: tinyurl.com Where I buy all Rock Band Accessories: www.rockbandparts.com My other youtube site, I make funny rants and blogs over there: www.youtube.com Here's my channel for random updates and short videos. www.youtube.com --------------

Channels: Video Blogs  

Tags: Games  guitar  hero  smash  hits  100  expert  fc  raining  blood  slayer  kerry  king  jeff  hennemen  tom  araya  dave  lombardo  drums  expert+ 


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