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Ohayocon 2008 - The Akatsuki Cant


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Added on Sep 28, 2010

Length: 02:18 | Comments: 0

Our Best of Show skit from Ohayocon 2008! Tobi is holding Drano, and the rest of us have (clean, brand new) plungers. This skit cost $67 to produce, because of the plungers and drano. Now, we all have an extra plunger or two, and my drains are hella clean. Songs used: Rayman Raving Rabbids commercial Tunak Tunak Tun Funny story, we actually wrote this while drinking (and playing Rayman), and we fully intended to lose, but apparently we were funnier than we thought we were. When it was announced that we won, we all about shat a damn brick, because for the first time, none of us even thought we had a chance at anything, and we freakin get Best in Show. Thanks to ACParadise for filming this and letting us have a copy of it to upload! #70 - Top Favorites (2/12/08) - People & Blogs #26 - Top Favorites (2/13/08) - People & Blogs

Channels: Video Blogs  

Tags: People  animosity  cosplay  akatsuki  skit  masquerade  best  in  show  ohayocon  2008  rayman  tunak  tun  plunger  naruto  tobi  deidara 


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