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Show Lo - Rehearsing 愛的主場秀Ai De Zhu Chang Xiu Choreo


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Added on Sep 28, 2010

Length: 02:34 | Comments: 0

羅志祥愛的主場秀紐約練舞So ... because I had been obsessing about all those clips of him at dance practice in New York, I decided to clip them all together and throw them together with the song :D Some of the videos repeat and stuff so the choreo fits with the song. But yeah, this was just for my own sake, so I can watch him dance through the entire song in plain clothing and his fluffy hair :D But I thought I'd share it with any of you who may be interested, if not, oh well. allll for meeeee :) Watch the final product here, if you haven't already :) www.youtube.com I own NONE of the videos, they're all from other media people and what not, and that last little clip credits to chershowlo :) LOVE4SHOW : Show Lo's International English Forum love4show.forums1.net ------ #19 - Most Viewed (Today) - People & Blogs - Hong Kong #93 - Most Viewed (Today) - People & Blogs - Taiwan #36 - Top Favorited (Today) - People & Blogs

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Tags: People  Show  Luo  Zhi  Xiang  Xiao  Zhu  Lo  Chih  Hsiang  xiao  gui  ai  de  chang  xiu  the  leading  role  rashomon  sheng  men  new  album  Luam  Choreography 


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