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Added on Sep 27, 2010

Length: 04:54 | Comments: 0

http://www.twitter.com/bubzbeauty http://www.bubzbeauty.com Join the NEW Bubzbeauty Facebook fanpage! I connect with you guys one-to-one here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bubzbeauty-Official/181811348879 http://bubbi.bubzbeauty.com My clothing line/online shop. So What does Television teach us? Teaches us that you should not watch tv all the time. Mainly a spoof of Work Out/Fitness Dvds with extras =DDDD I actually use the Pump it Up workout dvd and I LUV IT btw. Sexy girls and the greasy random guy in the bg. Whats not to like? FEEL THE BURN!! HIP THRUST!!! YERRRRRRR Yes I did it! I stuffed my spandex with socks/orange. What are you going to do about it? XD. Dad actually ate that orange after...pretty gross even though I did wear 2 layers underneath the spandex. Hope you guys dont mind the vulgarness of my manly bulge. I know aerobic instructors usually wear that elastic stretchy swimsuit gear... Anywaysss... =D I kept singing CALL ON MEEEEE today too tehehehehe... Asian dramas ftw! I love watching people daydream =D its my fav part. Tehehe... Yes, my father couldn't even notice I was in my man gear. He is awesome. My source of entertainment. Stay well guys! YER YER YER YER!
Bubz xx

Channels: Video Blogs  

Tags: Comedy  Fitness  workout  dvd  spoof  eric  prydz  call  on  me  pump  it  up  is  awesome  men  in  spandex  disturbing  what  TV  teaches  you  stupid  adverts  asian  dramas  ftw  lame  random  girl  stuffs  her  pants  with  socks 


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