Added on Sep 17, 2010
Length: 02:17 | Comments: 0
The Tabletop Explainer is an intermittent educational vlog presenting answers to viewer questions, brief science lessons, and ideas for teachers and students. It is a feature of my blog "Tilts at Windmils" which can be found at Download the background music, Time to Funk by Trafic de Blues: ======================== TROUBLESHOOTING & FAQ ======================== First, it's important to understand the context of the "Build Your Own Motor..." video. It's a demonstration aimed at solidifying the ideas presented in two earlier videos. If you haven't already, you should watch the whole set: 1) What is the magnetic field? 2) Electricity & Magnetism Hand Rules (part one) 3) How to build a simple electric motor, plus how it works. The main idea here is that charges moving through a magnetic field experience a "push" perpendicular to the direction of their motion. This force is also dependent upon the direction of the magnetic field. The fact that the wire is stripped on only one side alternates the current from "on" to "off" every half rotation. So halfway through the spin, the ring coasts through until it gets current again receiving a "kick." It's a poor man's commutator. The particulars of this kick/force are discussed in the second video. Armed with the knowledge from the above videos, you should be able to troubleshoot most of the problems that arise. The key is to make sure you understand ...
Channels: Video Blogs
Tags: Howto tabletop explainer science physics demos experiments simple electric motor