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Sexy LisaNova and The Infamous VLog


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 02:16 | Comments: 0

After obtaining Count Dracula's treasure JoeFileman retreated to the sanctity of his home only to get paid a visit by the Infamous "Doctor" VLog dead set on showing Joe and the rest of the world his VLog. Joe gets the help of the lovely and sexy Lisa Nova but is it too little too late? Maybe the Space Cowboys know or maybe not. This is a LisaNova JoeFileman collaboration video. Use of Lisa Nova's clips provided with her consent per her video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBfdZf5GHKw Ending Royalty Free Music provided by Peter John Ross and Sonnyboo.com. Post production notes: I found out today (5/19/2008) through YouTube's video suggestion mechanism/function that there exists a YouTube username similar to Doctor VLog. I just want to make clear that any similarity to the character is not intentional and no reference should be made. The user also uses "Dr" instead of "Doctor" and I certainly hope that the user is not infamous. Show you care for Tania's wonderful boobies... Support Net Neutrality, keep the Internet free.

Channels: Video Blogs  

Tags: Comedy  collab  video  emo  Sloppy  Drunk  lisanova  doctor  vlog 


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