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The xBot Video - PDZ Xbox 360 controller robot


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 02:23 | Comments: 0

Click MORE for full video description. This is an Xbox 360 controller robot to get 2 PDZ Achievements worth 60 gamer points. It clicks the 2 buttons necessary (about every 2 minutes) to get Microsoft's Perfect Dark Zero's 2 multiplayer Achievements: 1000 Deathmatch and 1000 DarkOps Games. Video shows game setup, one full round and the xBot starting the next bout. Note: Some confusion, The xBot button cycle only really starts at time [1:43]. When it was in full operation, it only pushed the 2 buttons every 2 mins or so. The video might be boring at first, but that's all this contraption does with those 2 buttons. Additional verbage: At no point was the xBot used to play against Xbox Live players. I don't even think it can and I never intended it to. It's a timing thing, it just won't work. Not to mention it wouldn't be ethical even if it did. The xBot is featured in the Official Xbox Magazine March edition. For a full description/pitcs and my other hobbies/interests visit my site at www.dknyte.com .

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Entertainment  Xbox  360  xbot  diego  knyte  robot  controller  Microsoft  Perfect  Dark  Zero  PDZ 


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