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Aspergers Syndrome Documentary


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 09:5 | Comments: 0

This short documentary about Asperger's Syndrome shown on TV in 2005 is about me, I have mild Asperger's Syndrome. I was diagnosed in 2002. I knew I was different from the age of about 6 years old, hypotheses included - the reincarnation of King David or Pliny the Elder, a left behind Space Alien and finally mild autism (after seeing a TV documentary). Other pupils were loud and ran around randomly, while I preferred a mature intellectual life. I became interested in astronomy/science ~3 years old, so I'm told, it was my interests that made me stand out in school. Later on in primary school, I became fascinated by mineralogy too. I found it difficult not to talk about my hobbies, one time I stopped taking for a week or two after the summer holidays, because I knew if I talked ... the bullies would again realise I was different and the bullying would start again. I was bullied badly, sometimes beaten up, for years. Bullying mostly stopped in secondary school as I found a group to hang around with. In 1987, at 14, I went to an astronomy lecture, but due to the excitement of it all I had a panic attack and I had to leave (a panic attack over astronomy?). This began over a decade of anxiety & panic attacks and increased reclusiveness, which I completely overcame in 1998. Perhaps due to my bad experience with Astronomy, I turned to Mineral collecting. One of isolating aspects of Asperger's is, we tend to talk at people not with people. However, in 1998, I did a 6 week ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: People  Asperger  Aspie  AS  autism  biography  Syndrome  Autie  Documentary  TV  interview  Aspergers  Aspies 


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