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RE Brand New Star 2010 網上歌唱比賽-華麗邂逅


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 03:46 | Comments: 0

Name: Katrina Li Singing: 華麗邂逅Gender: Female Age:15 Best at: Art, Writing, Sciences, French etc. Interests/Hobbies: Drawing, Listening to music, Humming to self, Playing piano (lvl 8) /flute, and Writing up stories XD Hey everyone, Thanks so much for watching this video and I would love it if you guys can give me suggestions to improve my singing. I know I have lots of room for improvement! =D So, a little about me...I took school for 4 years in Hong Kong and then I moved to Richmond, Canada when I was 6. I know fluent Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, while carrying some developping French and Japanese =D. Once again, thanks for watching!!

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Music  brand  new  star  2010  singing  contest  hummingbird  music  tan  chang  lupo  groinig  gem  tang  hong  kong  idol  asia  asian  pop  artist  soler  jasmine  aniefann  company  indie  label 


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