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Atheist OUT Campaign - Reply here on YouTube and win


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 01:41 | Comments: 0

Come OUT, Reach OUT, and Speak OUT. Post a video response here and OUT yourself as an atheist on YouTube. Even if you're already OUT you can add a response. Responders will be in draws to win OUT Campaign gear from the Richard Dawkins store at: richarddawkins.net Draws will be held every few months and there is no end date yet... Proceeds at the store go to The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science. Describe a little about yourself and your views on life as an atheist. Video Reply Ideas: Who are you? Hobbies? Interests? Career? Were you raised with religious views? When did you start changing your views? What religion were you part of if any? What caused you to change? If you were raised with no religious values, what values did your parents try to teach you? If you are a parent, what do you try to tell your kids about religion and life after death? Who has been a big influence in your life and your views? How does your family and friends feel about your views? Do you keep your atheism mostly to yourself? Do you live in a community that is accepting of atheists? Have you encountered discrimination or hatred as a result of being an atheist? Have you felt like sometimes you have to hide your views? How has being an atheist influenced your life? Just talk about yourself and about how atheism has influenced your life for the better and encourage other atheists to Come OUT.... Let's show the world how diverse atheists are and how we don't fit any stereotypes! More ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Nonprofit  Atheist  Atheism  Richard  Dawkins  OUT  Campaign  Scarlet  Letter  Religion  God  Delusion  Closet 


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