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Getting to Know a Bionicle Fan


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 10:19 | Comments: 0

Answer these questions if you want to make a video like this: 1: How long have you been a Bionicle fan? 2: What was your first memories of Bionicle? 3: Favorite Bionicle of all time(toy/story wise)? 4: What was your favorite Bionicle saga? 5: Where do you come from and/or live? 6: Besides Bionicle,what are you other hobbies/interests? 7: What is the origin of your Youtube screen name? 8: Whose videos do you enjoy watching? 9: Which Bionicle is your holy grail(MOC's count)? 10: If you could be any Bionicle character, what would it be? NOTE: Post a video response to Shadowgear6335's video, NOT mine.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Film  Bionicle  getting  to  know  fan 


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