Added on Sep 17, 2010
Length: 02:33 | Comments: 0 NaziDoctor has a habit of threatening and harassing others. This is some of what is written on his profile: * * Age: 31 City:'s all white!!! Last Login: 5 minutes ago BLUE EYED DEVIL...A Celt/Norseman trapped in 21st century multi-cult HELL. The shitskins,piss-skins and their MASTERS-THE INFERNAL JEW-are our hated enemy. We must fight them tooth and nail. About Me Name: DOCTOR DEATH Member Since: 2 months ago Where I've Been Hometown: VALHALLA Schools: Are JEW-POLLUTED CESSPOOLS! Occupation: Exterminator of subhuman slime What I Like To Do Interests & Hobbies: THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF UNTERMENSCH.MAY EVERY JUDEN MEET THE SCALPEL.As for the eradication of the NIGGERS,SPICS,CHINKS and OTHER SUBHUMANS,that can be established through bullets,bombs,blades,disease,famine,drowning,drugs,poisoning...WHATEVER. Anything that KILLS THEM is fine by me. WESTERN CIVILIZATION WILL NOT THRIVE UNTIL THE LAST JEW IS GONE. How do I spell relief? LYNCHING. And we shall start with the alphabet soup commies..ACL-JEW,SPLC,NAACP,JDL,ADL,CAIR,ACT-UP and NOI will be the first to meet their demise.Short Rope and Tall Tree will do the trick Favorite Movies & Shows: WATCHING SHITCREATURES DIE Favorite Music: THE SCREAMS OF INCINERATED JEWS Favorite Books: MANUALS ON HOW TO KILL AND ERADICATE YOUR ENEMY WITH ALACRITY -------------------------------------------- YouTube does not need people like him harassing members, do your part to help remove him and make YouTube better.
Channels: Hobbies & Interests
Tags: People nazidoctor The youtube Peacekeepers