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New ArtTile Video by the Tile Factory wwwtilefactorycom


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 05:36 | Comments: 0

Where can you use a tile mural as a home accent? The sky's the limit! Today, innovative and affordable decorating possibilities for every room are virtually endless... especially when it comes to stylish, durable tile accents. Wondering how you can create a dynamic focal point using a framed or installed tile mural? Look around your home or office for fresh ways to bring your unique sense of style to life. Here are nine easy ideas to get your creative juices flowing: Create a custom-made view - Ideally, every home or office would be filled with sun-drenched windows that open onto idyllic views. If that's not the case, use a tile mural to create your own view of paradise. Install a relaxing landscape over your kitchen sink, or hang a favorite framed print across from your desk. Lighten up a dark or out-of-the-way corner - Imagine a brightly colored framed mural in glossy ceramic tile accented by just the right decorative lightening. It's a quick way to turn a dull space into a decorator's dream. Inspire your culinary skills - Love to create Italian dishes? Choose a Tuscany-inspired mural in classic tumbled marble as a backdrop for your sink or range and spend your days in sunny Italy. Bring your interests to the office - Why settle for a generic framed print when you can decorate your office space in style? Framed tile murals show off your good taste and serve as a great icebreaker for business colleagues and clients as soon as they enter your office. Create a future ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Howto  Tile  Art  Photo  Ceramic  Sublimation  Arts  Crafts  Stone 


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