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dirty dancing


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 02:4 | Comments: 0

dirty dancing Subscribers: 968 Channel Views: 72116 decima watkins im a acterss/artist/model My names Decima, but some people prefer to call me Deci and my cheeky boyfriend calls me his Decabells! I'm 19 and come from Wales, I used to Design Crafts at College but nowadays I do Performing Arts, I like Karate and going out with friends. I'm also in a Jazz band, I play the side drum (I'm lead Tipper). i'm 5ft, I have brown eyes and have brown curly hair. I enjoy playing all sports especially football and Boxing, and I enjoy going to the Cinema. I got a boyfriend called Jonas. My favourite colours are Red, Pink and Black, I also like fashion and shopping for clothes! I love my food and I love having my picture taken! I have been in a few Theatre Plays including: Matilda Liar, Enclosed, Vinegar Tom and Lizzie Borden. I love Goshin Karate, a few pictures of me are on their website, though they are a bit old. www.goshinkarate.co.uk www.myspace.com/deci07 its 100s of pics of me on there and videos Name: Decima Age: 20 Country: United Kingdom Interests and Hobbies: cinema and watcung movies,goshion karate, boxing acting all sports Movies and Shows: Hairspray and Dirty Dancing, Lost and DESPERATE HOUSEWIVE Music: Hairspray and Dirty Dancing cd Books: Harry Potter URL:www.myspace.com Website: www.myspace.com

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Entertainment  dirty  dancing  wipeout  decima  watkins  blow  out  fire 


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