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Hey You Beautiful Bitch Jack Coke Lady


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 02:7 | Comments: 0

Hey you beautiful bitchy Jack & Coke Lady, I need your advice and I need it pronto. How can I improve on my flirting skills and fitness, I need a man/ men. Also, I've been told by my baby bottom faced "Doctor" that I've got hirsuitism. What the hell is that? I don't know about that, but I've got hair growin' outta my ass. Please help me Ms Jack & Coke Lady - or is it Missus? Anyhoo, I'm real wealthy, so I should have dates up the waazoo. What the hell is a girl to do? check out- www.youtube.com for episodes of the Jack and Coke Lady, and much much more. ------------ Guest Editor JohnnyMoonDog, Playlist vid from Name: Miss Lazie Occupation:False teeth spinner /Gymnastic Facial Hair Plucker Companies:Beard TV. Sucking Mints LLC Interests and Hobbies: Incontinence, I love 2 pluck,karaoke singing on escalators,vaginal torsion,All round Alzheimer's deficit

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Comedy  Jack  Coke  Lady  questions  beanerlarue  sandieblack  crazy  faces  drink  beauty  hirsuitism  hairy  bitches  flirting  fitness  techniques  sandie  black  bad  tv  badtv  old  candy 


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