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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 03:21 | Comments: 0

COPS THREATEN DISABLE MAN BECAUSE HE ASKED FOR BADGE NUMBER HOW COLD BUT THE GUY IN THE WHEEL CHAIR MAKES THE BAD POLICE RUN AWAY LIKE CHILDREN IN THE SCHOOL YARD ALL POLICE ARE MONSTERS police give a disable man who fights for the weak a stroke ,they are at his house to give him a warrant for breaking a door at social service ,local Hitler SS they keep his check for 22 days because he complained about no help for 6 years ,he had no food no bills paid ,and was desperate for food it was the coldest day of the year and raining very windy they wanted him to drive back home in his wheel chair to get his phone bill before they would release his check on friday afternoon ,the battery in his electric wheel chair could not make another trip they knew this he told them,he was completly wet and shaken,frozen no shelter on the wheel chair for 6 tears little town they see him all the time in the rain they are monsters he opens doors all the time with the front of his wheel chair social services has never helped him before open a door in a wheel chair ,over a 6 years period they never gave him a helping hand ever ,, he waited 2 years before he got the electric wheel chair they never sent a request for him ,he phoned the head office in bc before they gave him his first piece of medical equipment ,but they gave him home care 7 days a week for 2 years but no equipment they are government home care workers,,, and now that he fights back a little by complains to head office the local ss ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: News  cbc  rcmp  port  hardy 


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