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Founder ChristianUTubecom Welcome Message


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 04:38 | Comments: 0

Founder & CEO of ChristianUTube.com Spider Ledesma warmly greets you from the ChristianUTube.com's micro office in Toronto, ON Canada! Upload you Christian videos now at ChristianUTube.com... share your testimony with the world about how good God has been to you and please don't forget to tell all your friends about ChristianUTube.com! Be blessed and always remember that we at ChristianUTube.com believe you have been meant to live a life of Victory! ChristianUTube.com has established the most innovative new place for the global Christian community to share and/or market their Christian life and experiences with which includes sharing, promoting, commenting on, and watching videos! From 'home made' to the professional you'll find a myriad of videos to watch! You can also upload your favorite MP3 audio files to your video blog to share your favorite music jams with all your friends! ChristianUTube.com has several categories to broadcast from including but not limited to ministry, iReport, politics, youth, entertainment, bible study, comedy, shopping, dating, etc! People can witness first-hand accounts of ChristianUTube.com events, find videos about their hobbies and interests, and discover the silly, the unusual, the humorous and view inspiring testimonies of an overcoming God! Share your Christian faith with the world on your own terms where you are the Director. Begin broadcasting your Christian life and experiences NOW! ChristianUTube.com strives you to offer full ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: News  christianutube.com  christianutube  spiderledesma  christianvideos  Media  youtube  Jesus  Christ  Joel  Osteen  Lakewood  Church 


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