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NYAF Apple Kissa Maid Café 2010 Video


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 02:51 | Comments: 0

In addition to a regular application for NYAF's Apple Kissa Café, we are also requiring a video to get an understanding as to who you really are. This video must be submitted ON YOUTUBE as a video reply to "NYAF Apple Kissa Maid Café 2010 Video" and contain the first name and first initial of the last name under which you are filing this written application under in the caption. Videos must be no longer than 4 minutes and answer all of the following questions in any order: (1) If you could compare yourself to any ONE anime or manga character, who would it be and why? (2) What could you bring to the table as a potential new maid or butler? (3) What are your hobbies and interests? (4) Do you have any talents that can be showcased for Apple Kissa performances or can assist the café in any way? If so, please demonstrate. (5) Why are you the best choice over other applicants to get a spot in NYAF's Apple Kissa Café? Include anything else you feel necessary without going over the 4 minute limit. This too is due by May 19, 2010. Former maids and butlers of the NYAF Apple Kissa Maid Cafe need not submit a video, as we know who you are. The written part of the application is: newyorkanimefestival.com EMAIL: NYAFMamaSan@hotmail.com AIM: NYAF Apple Kissa

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Entertainment  NYAF  apple  kissa  maid  café  video  application 


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