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NJOGIVEAWAY Who I Am - Nick Jonas and The Administration


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 04:36 | Comments: 0

Music video for the Nick J Online "Who I am" CD GIVEAWAY ^__^ ( NJOGIVEAWAY ) 1. Viktoria Laguyo 2. Katriel Mendoza 3. Karina Ligralde 4. Jane Sanchez 5. Stephanie Valderama 6. Terese Najim 7. Marj Rodriguez We are seven friends with different hobbies and interests but we still manage to understand and LOVE each other. If one of us is missing, our group won't be complete. Just like a jigsaw puzzle, if a puzzle piece is missing, the picture won't be complete or finished ^__^ We love each other for who we are ^___^ "we are the EPIC FAIL! m/"

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