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Alexander Gadefelt Bailen Todos Ahora


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 03:36 | Comments: 0

As a 7-year-old Alexander was already active in several choirs and often sang at different types of venues such as church events, corporate events and weddings. By the time he was 9 years old he commuted between music schools and music productions. When Alexander was 10 years old he began taking classes at the Adolf Fredrik School of Music. It didnt take long until he received the schools Talent Scholarship. After the classes Alexander toured Sweden with various productions, showcasing his multifaceted talents in operas, musicals and concerts such as: Georges Bizets Carmen, The Royal Swedish Opera, Soprano Mahlers Rosenkavaljerens, The Royal Swedish Opera, Soprano George Riedel Den Sovande Staden by Georg Ridell, leading role Benjamin Quigely "Med Halvslutna Ögon" leading role Several Mahler productions at the Royal Swedish Opera And many more..... But there was yet another genre for Alexander to master and conquer: pop. After several years as a member in the pop group Abound, many hours in recording studios, at video recordings and dance lessons with dancer/choreagapher Jenny widegren (well known as a dancer in Bounce), gave him the courage to pursue the genre further and stand on his own two feet as a solo artist. His Swedish/Chilean background leads him to the sound he plans to serve: a fresh blend of Swedish Euro-pop with a mix of latin beats. His musical heart, talented techniqe and experienced voice is represented in his first single Balen todos. Quick Facts: Name ...

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Tags: Music  Alexande  Gadefelt  Bailen  Todos  Ahora  Alex  Gardefeldt  Gardefelt  Let  the  rythmen  romance  with  your  body  now 


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