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How to Understand Behavior as A Call for Love


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 02:44 | Comments: 0

Dr. Jeanine, Life Coach & Hypnotherapist for people worldwide, describes all behavior as a call for love. Certainly, some behavior in question is disturbed, pathetic or cruel. When we believe that all behavior is a call for love, we can become less entangled with our emotional reactions to the person who is exibiting this behavior. We won't put up with unloving behavior, but understanding empowers us. www.simplydivinesoluions.com The following topic areas may be addressed by my coaching Celebrity Life Coaching Relationships Boundaries Communication Skills A Course in Miracles Coaching Spirituality Coaching Transpersonal Psychology Meditation Enneagram Coaching Spiral Dynamics Clutter Coaching Organizing Consciousness Twin Flames Soul Mates Flow Authenticity Works of Marianne Williamson The Divine Feminine The works of Wayne Dyer "The Secret", The Law of Attraction Jung Jungian Psychology The Shadow Wholeness Metaphysical Christianity The Church of Religious Science Unity Perspectives The Tao te Ching Metaphysics New Thought Self Improvement Self Actualization Buddhism Overcoming Suffering Positivie Psychology Psychology & The Works of Paul Pearsall & Martin Seligman Women and Women's Issues Mid-Life Embracing Midlife Quarter Life Coaching Coaching Women Universal Laws Spiritual Coaching "Celebrity Coach" "Female Celebrity Coach" Name: Dr. Jeanine Age: 43 I am a doctor of coaching for women all around the world. Country: United States Occupation: Doctor of Coaching for ...

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